Do babies need teeth to start eating?
Common misconception: babies need teeth to start eating solid foods.
FALSE. Have you ever put your fingers inside a baby’s mouth to let them chew on it? Enough said! Or better yet have them bite you while they are nursing? Lol kidding, but not really 🙂 Those jaws are already super strong and we’ve been giving them things to chew on to help build that jaw strength as well. Even without teeth, they’ll be able to break food into pieces. The key is to let them bite/munch/naw off the piece themselves, this helps to avoid offering a too-small or large piece.
Whether your baby has teeth or not there are still guidelines and recommendations on what to serve and how to serve it to babies. I highly recommend downloading the Solid Starts app to learn how a particular food should be prepared for a particular age. It’s an incredible resource!!