How to prepare your baby for solids.
Disclaimer: This is information for the typical, healthy baby :) And your baby might not “fit” into this exact scenario. Reach out if you need additional help!
Babies are generally ready for solids around 6 months, but that’s not a hard and fast rule. I’ll be sharing another blog post of the different signs of readiness.
Here are the 3 things I recommend as a certified postpartum and baby nutrition consultant to help get your baby ready and excited to start solids!
1. Lot of floor // tummy time.
We are looking to build strength to hold herself up (it’s so fascinating to watch her just inherently know what to do like gradually sit up, and start to crawl without any instruction, BABIES ARE SMART)!
2. Let her watch.
When she was younger we would hold her at the table while we ate or put her in the bouncer so she could start to be a part of meal times and see what it was all about. Once she got stronger (about 1-2 weeks ago) I started putting her in the high chair with a spoon to chew on to get used to that. It’s incredible what they pick up on just by observing!
3. Things to chew on.
She got her bottom two teeth a few weeks ago and she has been looking to chewwwwwww. So we’ve been giving her lots of things to naw on and this provides some comfort for her and starts building up that jaw strength that is needed to chew food.