THE Postpartum Meal Plan
Brooke Martinez Brooke Martinez

THE Postpartum Meal Plan

The main format is 3-4 breakfast options you can rotate between, lunch is going to be leftovers from the previous night, and dinner is meals that you previously prepped and can be reheated. During these two weeks, the goal isn’t to eat a diverse set of meals and have everything be perfect. It’s focusing on nourishing foods that meet the main groups: protein, fat, and carbohydrates.

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There shouldn’t be a “hustle” mentality in postpartum.
Brooke Martinez Brooke Martinez

There shouldn’t be a “hustle” mentality in postpartum.

Everyone recovers at different rates and you should never feel pressured to do more than what you feel capable of. No one should be hustling anywhere after having a baby. Lay in bed and allow your body to heal from brining a baby into the world.

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What is The Nourishing Mother?
Brooke Martinez Brooke Martinez

What is The Nourishing Mother?

The Nourishing Mother is a place where new mothers can feel loved, heard, and cared for by creating an environment where they can share their experiences and be nourished with real, whole foods to help promote recovery and replenish the body from birth and breastfeeding.

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